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Session 2022-2023

1) Promotion will be decided on the whole year’s performance and not merely on the basis of the final examination.

2) For classes IX and XI, the Annual Examination will be based on full year’s syllabi

3) For classes V to VIII the annual Examination syllabi will be the 2nd term’s syllabi with additions from 1st& 2nd Term syllabi that may be decided by the subject teachers.

1) Private tuition are strictly forbidden. However, parents wishing to arrange for private tutorials for their children, who are academically weak, by any of the teachers of the school, must request the Headmistress/Principal in writing, giving full details of their children and the reason why they consider it necessary.

2) Parents are reminded that a tutorial must sure as a temporary period of assistance. It must never become a permanent crutch.

3) No requests for tutorial classes in any of the classes will be entertained.

1) The Progress Report Card is on official transcript, No separate transcripts for the term on terms is issued.

2) A duplicate Progress Report or School Diary can be requested for a payment of a fine of Rs. 100/- In each case.

3) Parents/Guardians are requested to sign the Terminal Progress Reports in the appropriate place at the proper time and to note the number of days your child may have been absent during the term.

1) Every student is required to do assignments set on class as well as any homework that is set for the day. Parents are requested to ensure that homework’s assigned is completed on time.

a) The first time a student fails to hand his/her homework, his/her failure to do so will be recorded by the subject teacher in the Class file, that is meant for this purpose, which will be kept in the Vice Principal's Office.

c) In case of a third repetition in a particular subject, a student may be penalised by being barred from club or co-curricular activity for a period of time.

d) Should a student persist in not submitting work, he/she will be penalised by having 5 marks deducted from the Unit Test score in the relevant subject. Parents will be intimated by letter.

e) Even after this, if a student fails to submit assignments, 10 marks will be deducted from his/her score at the Terminal Examination and the parents informed accordingly.

2) All students are required to bring their text and exercise books for their respective subjects every working day, unless otherwise specified.

a) The first time a student fails to bring either text books or exercise books, the Subject Teacher will record his/her name in a class file, that is meant for this purpose, which will be kept in the Vice Principal's Office.

b) If this continues for more than 3 times in a particular subject, the Principal shall inform the parents in writing and a copy of the same will be filed in the students file.

In such case the student may face school sanctions as determined by the authorities which could include supervised study post school hours and being barred from club and co-curricular activities.

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